Membership at Waypoint Church

We are so excited that you are interested in becoming a member of Waypoint Church!

The steps to do so are as follows:


Attend a newcomer’s night.

If you are new (or newish!) to Waypoint, the first step to membership is attending one of our Newcomer’s Nights!

You will have the opportunity to meet our staff and hear more about the church’s history, vision, story and mission.

Check out our Events tab for information on any upcoming Newcomer’s Nights.


Sign up online.

Sign up below, and we will be in contact.


Watch the videos.

You will need to watch each of the videos linked below before attending one of our Membership Classes:

Video One - We value slowing down to be with Jesus

Video Two - We value being sons and daughters of God

Video Three - We value listening to and obeying God

Video Four - We value the church and her role in the world

Video Five - We value everyone’s calling to live on mission

Video Six - We value discipleship

Video Seven - We value healthy community

Video Eight - Church Membership


Attend a membership class.

The final step to becoming a member at Waypoint is to attend a Membership Class. As part of this class you will:

1. Be given a Membership Handbook.

2. Be asked to sign and submit a Membership Application.

3. Once this application is reviewed and approved by our Board you will receive a Membership Letter signed by the Board of Directors.

Check out our Events tab for information on any upcoming Membership Classes.